Well, it is now almost 11pm on Saturday night. And I have been home for a total of 4 days after 45 days in the desert - Las Vegas to be precise... for the love of Moses...No, I was not leading a bunch of scooter-driving, oxygen tank-sucking, blue haired, big mac munching tourists to freedom..there was no exodus- I was working the WSOP - World Series of Poker... a blog in itself... but I digress...
Tomorrow marks the start of a new adventure. I am heading to Beijing, China for the Olympic Games .... probably because I look fantastic in a unitard. I may just see Chairman Mao - or at least his mausoleum in Tienanmen Square. I have had my share of drama already and I have not even left my apartment (I know, you are all shocked). I am flying Toronto-Chicago-Beijing... but through pure chance (as I never check flight status) - I found out that my flight from Toronto to Chicago was cancelled! So after a few hours of panicked scurrying and excessive sweating (not proverbial but literal as we are going through a heat wave and I have no AC), it all got sorted and I found a flight to Chicago.... but I have to leave my apartment at 5:00 in the morning now and have a 4+ hour layover in Chicago! At least I have a flight - that is better than I was doing at 7pm.
I would be lying if I said that I was not a little sad to leave. You see, while I was away in Las Vegas, my twin sister gave birth to my new pride and joy - my first nephew, Matthew. It was so hard for me to be away for the birth and I was dying to get home. I got to visit him for a day and a half (basically went straight there from the airport). He is amazing! (even though he pooped on me three times-thank god for diapers- and not to mention he farts like a maniac - takes after mom and dad in that respect) And yes, I know that I am completely obnoxious about the whole thing... get over it. It's not going to change. I mean look at him!

I have definitely been through a lot in the last three days... it is so weird, amazing, eye-opening to realize that I, may not in fact, be the centre of the universe. I love this little guy more than I can say and I only met him for just over 24 hours. I can't believe that he will already be three months old when I get back to see him.
Once again, I digress...
So, let me just explain the title of my blog: Cultural Exceptions
There are certain things that I won't eat, try, do in the course of my hum-drum everyday life...but when I am travelling (which I do for a living) - I make what are called "cultural exceptions" and I have to try, do, eat whatever it is that a 'local' might do... within reason... it is also a (not so) witty play on words in that I will undoubtedly make some cultural faux-pas and wickedly embarrassing mistakes... all out of sheer ignorance and obliviousness I am sure... Even though I have been to Beijing before (6 years ago now), I am sure that I will be the ultimate, the epitome of 'cultural exception' - I will try to represent Canada well, but alas, I fear that I will be nothing more than the rare species of Western Dolt... but it should be fun.. even if it is at my expense...
So armed with nothing but my lonely planet and a smog mask - I set off tomorrow morning in search of adventure, excitement and a panda for Derek and Erin.... I think I will have at least the first two covered.....
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