My parched problem was solved when we left the hotel - I needed some provisions and luckily, there was a Walmart right next door behind the hotel. What a trip! The best thing I have done or seen in Beijing thus far. Please prepare yourselves for what you are about to see... it is quite a bit different from what we have at home

Ok - after my chuckle in the fruit section, I turned the corner and found myself in the fish and seafood section. Now, for those of you that know me, you know that I have never been the biggest fan of things that don't have legs (although I am getting better).... But to be confronted with this walking around the corner....I was beginning to reconsider my new found respect for seafood....

The outside looked similar enough, but once you stepped through that magical doorway, your sights and senses were in for a treat! First off, the place was MASSIVE. It also grabbed your attention right away because the Walmart here sells food - like a grocery store - but combined with the free samples of a Costco or Sam's Club (for my American readers). Johnny D went to town! I couldn't help it! I instantly was transformed from a culturally sensitive individual to an obnoxious tourist with camera in hand and mouth agape!
We first hit the "imported fruit" section which makes sense, but I got a kick out of it nonetheless... the imported fruit section was home to the exotic apple, orange and lemon! It really makes you think when you see things like that and then in their fruit section they have dragon fruit (which is delicious) and lychees. It's all a matter of perspective people.

We are in Walmart people, this was a trip... and I was enjoying ever minute of the ride! I think this particular delight was from the sting-ray family, although I had a little trouble reading the sign....
I would not let the fish section get the better of me, however, and I was determined to be a trooper... so when I came across some free samples.... when in Rome... (or China in this case).... I had to help myself to some Jellyfish!

Now, not the same health standards as in N. America... but I am sure they were fine!

Down the hatch!
(As a side note, the lady in the background was very interested in our Walmart escapades)
I have to say, the stuff was surprisingly delicious! A little rubbery and crunchy all at the same time, but the marinade was spicy and sweet and tangy - so many sensations. It was a party in my mouth and an amorphous blob was invited! My first TRUE cultural exception of the Games. I was a little bit proud of myself I have to admit.
Then Amy and I went around and took tons of photos of different and interesting products... here are a few of my favourites:

I have no idea what this product is, or what he is selling... but you have to admire his enthusiasm!
Now, this one was interesting. It was a combo pack, and if you look closely, The pink lettering in English says "refreshing partner!" - The Green "Flower" are mints... and then there was a tube of some gel type liquid on the bottom.... lip gloss?... perhaps.... personal lubricant?.... maybe.
When you stood back and took it all in, it was not that different from our stores... just had more variety. There were still large aisles with lots of goods and people and people just going about their business with children (and jellyfish) in tow...

You make me proud trying new things. There may be hope for you when you return. The fish you could not identify was what is called "skate" here in Canada and yes it is a relative of the sting ray.
Your dad totally stole my comment ;) Soooooo proud of you for trying the jelly fish.
The blogs are spectacular FYI!!!!
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