Entering the Night Market would be akin to finding platform and 3/4 and boarding the Hogwarts Express (I know, I am a geek). As soon as you step off the street of high end shops and modern convenience, you enter into a different world. It is similar to other markets (lots of smells, sounds, yelling, bartering) but it is basically all food and little restaurants. There are some alleys with more souvenir type items (please refer back to naieve tourist comment), but it really felt like the Ex's food pavillion on crack.
Maarten (from Holland) and I came specifically to try things that we had been hearing about for days - ie. scorpions on a stick, locusts, larvae.... We had to witness it for ourselves. The girls, as it turns out however, came to watch us and root us on. The adventure began with us weaving our way through the many stalls and even greater number of people sussing out the scene and deciding on which 'delicacies' we would indulge in. This is what we saw:

After our inital tour of the snacks to be had, Maarten and I settled on Scorpions as our starter... We had to get it out of the way. Like I was saying, once they were fried up and immobile I was all right with the whole thing, it was just getting over the squirming while impailed on a sitck thing. I am actually making us sound braver than we really are. We did not just walk up and say one scorpion skewer please... there was much laughing, goading, screaming (not be my, but some of the girls) and attempted bargaining. We thought that 10 RMB (1.50) for a scorpion was too much as we thought that we would not like them. No dice. The prices for food in the market are pretty much set. We picked the skewer we wanted and the guy literally just picked it up and tossed it on the fryer. The second those poor little critters touched the grill the sizzle was unbelieveable. Thier squeals for help fell on deaf ears as I had already steeled myself for the task ahead.... They are not suirming anymore, they are like novelty candy... probably will taste like chicken???... at least if I get poisoned it will be an exciting (and hopefully quick end)... These were just some of the thoughts running through my head.

I am not going to sugar coat the starfish experience as they did not sugar coat the starfish for me...it would have helped!!!!...the starfish was not like scorpion at all. As you can see from the photo, as soon as I bit into the thing, sheer panic welled up inside me. I was not going to like this experience. You see, the starfish has an extremely hard and crunch outside...which is bad. But NOTHING could prepare me for what we discovered INDSIDE the starfish....(not even the legendary 'flipper pie' debaucle of 1985). The inside of the starfish was kind of hollow and filled with a pure black grainy sand-like substance. Even worse than that was the smell that came out of this thing once exposed to the world. Take the Toronto Garbage strike and intensify that by 1000 and then add decaying rotting fish that have been sitting out in 45 degree weather for a week to the top of that pile and you may start to understand what was penetrating my nostrils. It was the fishiest, dirtiest, foulest smelling thing I have ever smelt.

Thumbs down for starfish! What you can't tell in this picture is that it is still in my mouth... I swallowed only a portion, started dry heaving and just held it it my mouth trying to be brave. Both Maarten and I had to spit it out. The worst part was that the grainy sand like substance adhered itself to your gums, in the cracks in your teeth on your tongue - you could not get rid of it. The two of us went directly to the nearest vendour and bought 2 cokes to get rid of the taste.

It was definitely an experience. What did we learn today boys and girls? Scorpions good, Starfish bad! It was still a riot and I loved every minute of it. Maarten and I definitely enteratined the ladies too.

The gang celebrating a great day in the market - Tina, Crystal, Amy, Queen, Maarten. Triumphant, I then headed home to the Ritz.
80 of our staff was housed at the Ritz and it was our last night there. So once I got showered and cleaned up (I have never been so sticky in my life!), it was down to the lobby bar for one last hurrah with the gang... no, no pics on that! Some things are better left undocumented. Suffice it to say, a GREAT time was had by all and we even started up an impromptu band complete with upright bass, drums and piano. We celebrated until 3 in the morning.
Luckily, I was smart enough to have already packed, so I was up at 6am got my stuff together, blogged and then headed to the China People's Palace, my home for the next 30 days....it isn't the Ritz, but great people have moved over here with me. I think we are a group of 20-25 here now. I tried to check-in, but once again, they did not have my reservation... but I got it sorted, dropped my stuff and ran out to the Marriott to meet Queen and Crystal.
Today we toured the Olympic Green (where many of the high profile venues are housed). We actually got up close and personal with the buildings thanks to our accreditations. It was neat to see the calm before the storm - an empty national stadium that will house 100,000 people for example. Another highlight was that we toured the water cube (where aquatics is taking place) and got to see swimmers and divers practicing. The Canadian diving team was one of those practicing. It is so weird how so much pride wells up in me for these athletes. They have worked so hard and their concentration and excitement were palpable! I will do a separate post about our tour later. Got home today around 7:30pm and immediately crashed. Woke up at 1am which explains 2 posts in one day... now I am going to get another couple of hours of sleep because we have a full day of training tomorrow for over 900 of the staff starting at 8:00am.