Now, as many of you know, my first weeks in Beijing were a little stressful and I needed time for adjustment. I am not sure if it was the jet lag, heat, smog... I mean 'natural phenomenon'...or my hectic schedule, but I have dropped a few pounds since being here. As a result, none of my pants or shorts that I brought fit me anymore. So, with my precious 2 hours, I went to a tailor that my friend recommended to me and got my shorts altered and had them make me three more pairs. I also had 2 dress shirts custom made and it was all very reasonable! For everything (3 alterations, 3 pairs of shorts, and 2 dress shirts) it is costing me like $95.00. I think that I will go back and have a suit made (under 150...if they like me).
A lot of foreigners have clothes made here... but my local hostesses just don't understand why we don't just buy something from a mall. I tried to tell them about custom fit and the fact, as I have been told repeatedly here in China, that my body "doesn't make sense" - China is a double edge sword - they are brutally honest and knock you down, but, at the same time, if you are a foreigner and don a pair of sunglasses - young chinese girls flock to you and think you are 1. a movie star or 2. an athlete.... obviously I am neither, and they are deluded.
Following the tailor's, I met with my guests and figured out what was happening for the coming days. It is kind of sad, we are saying goodbye to them tonight. They were a lot of fun to host and I learned a lot from them too. So following that, it was off to Gymnastics, trampoline and track! The olympic green is somewhat out of the way, but once you get there... the Olympics are at your fingertips (especially if you are accredited!). My friends and I took full advantage that fine evening. We didn't even have tickets to any of the events! We are masters of B&E here at the Venues...

Gymnastics finals - national indoor stadium

The official olympic slogan is "one world, one dream.." somehow this struck me as the true Chinese Slogan...

This guy's t was funny "Gweat!"... I know the Chinese have trouble pronouncing their r's... but perhaps gweat is a real word?

The gang at gymnastics

Kathy displaying one of the many odd concession treats.... vacuumed packed sausage

We were glad to find out after gymnastics was done that they were also going to have the Women's Trampoline final... and there were 2 Canadians in it!!!! I got my cheering hat on... and the Chinese people got a kick out of me because I have figured out how to cheer for Canada in Chinese... you yell out "Janada Jaio!" It means go canada! Actually, it means Canada Petrol... as their word for go literally translated to gasoline... rev up... get it??? It was awesome watching those girls propel themselves into the rafters... and Karen Cockburn of Canada won the silver!!!! AWESOME! We lost the gold to China. Of course. Sorry, no pics - too excited.
We were done at the green about 11. The night was still young so we decided to head over to the German House at the Kampinsky hotel. Our friend Julia lives there (the hotel, not German House), so if we did not get into GH then at least we would have some place to go. Reason being, to get into German house you need to be invited by a german Olympic athlete! We had been having good luck all night so we thought we would give it a shot.
No Dice! When we got there we discovered that the German Basketball team was there so they were being very strict. The rest of the gang had already been there and had talked their way in, but no matter what we tried - no matter how many pins maarten traded (good try), or how much Julia flirted (lower cut next time!), we were just not getting in!
No loss - we went up to Julia's room and had a few adult pops that were conveniently taken from German house on their previous visits. When I got to Julia's room I was amazed! It was so long since I had seen a real bed, and this was the biggest bed I had seen in a long time! I made myself comfortable. After sleeping on my glorified piece of plywood for three weeks, I was in heaven!

John finds his personal nirvana
It is not like us to give up, however. So, after many toasts and more drinks, Maarten and Julia decided to scout out the scene as it was now after 12:30am. Down they went. We got the call! They had talked their way in. Maarten was going to try to get us in the front and Julia was standing guard at the secret back door just in case that failed. It took a lot more convincing and such, but in the end we all made it to German House! Let the good times roll. The beer was flowing, the food kept coming. It was all free food and drinks all night! Gotta love german hospitality! I whooped it up until 2:30am and got home by 3:13 - Maarten and the rest stayed longer....

Julia Maarten and Tina

Maarten and his german appetizer
Once again, a good night was had by all in Beijing, China.
About the weight loss...those scorpions you ate were DEAD right? The exoskeleton family is not safe when you come home!!! Love T
not dead originally when on stick - but then they throw them in the fire once you buy them... all good
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