As I was riding on the subway last week, I looked around, people watching (my favourite activity) and then my eyes saw it. I couldn't believe it and spent the next 6 stops transfixed on this hideous monstrosity. It was what I like to call 'the train wreck effect' - you know you should be repulsed and avert your eyes, yet somehow you just can't bring yourself to look away... a compulsion to stare overwhelms your entire being. A man, let's call him Rico, Rico Suave, for the sake of this blog, was wearing one of the most atrociously obvious toupees I have ever seen! As I got to thinking, I realized that I had seen several bad toupees over the course of the last week. A plague had surreptitiously taken over our fair city under my very nose. You know the toupees I am talking about, the ones that don't match the person's natural hair colour, or those that are obviously on backwards...

3. Socks with Sandals... WTF people? How, and for the love of god, why, are people still committing this offense? I am going to let the pictures speak for themselves....

Ok - so one word comes to mind.... boobs - all of them.
4. The Mullet. I know it tried to resurface a couple of years back under the name 'the brazilian' or something equally as ridiculous. Still not cool. Business in the front, party in the back is never a good look.....NEVER.

This picture brings me to my next NEVER GOOD.... 5. The Speedo. As far as I am concerned speedos should only be handed out on the deck of an Olympic swimming event, and are to be collected IMMEDIATELY following said event.
6. The comb-over and 7. his cousin, the bald-long....
As for the comb over... come on guys... you ain't foolin' a side note: Have you seen yourselves in a wind storm?

Now, perhaps it is just me that has a morbid fascination with all of these things, but I feel I speak for a majority of people when I send out this semi-permanent laminated list to my fellow men out there. Please read the memo. We are just trying to help a brother out.
Looking back at my list I realize that it is very 'hair-centric'. Perhaps this is because, yes, I too am thinning on top and will one day no doubt be sporting 'the monk look' as I call it (hair all round, bald in the middle). I vow to go bald with pride and class. The key to balding gracefully is keeping the hair short and clean cut. It is much sexier really.... and if I do have a hard time coming to terms with my hair loss, I will just tell people that I am not losing my hair, I am simply, over the course of years, slowly converting to Judaism.
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