As we were sitting at breakfast on wonderful Swedish furniture, the names of which I could not pronounce (what the heck is an ektorp or farfelnoodle?), the birthday conversation between Aunt Tanya, my friend Erin and myself naturally lead to a discussion of Tina Turner and whale anatomy.

Now for all of you Tina fans out there that want to go all Ike on my ass, I say simmer down. We in no way compared the incomparable Miss Turner to a whale, they just happened to be in the same stream of consciousness at breakfast… hey, what can I say? We hadn’t had our coffee yet.
Anywho, Aunt Tanya said that Miss Turner was about her age… I said NO WAY, while Erin was pondering whether or not Whales had bones or simply cartilage like sharks. I had an answer for both of them… Google it!
I heart google. I have to say that I am addicted to google. I have no idea what I would do without google. I am the type of guy that has to know things, just for the sake of knowing them. If someone poses a mildly interesting question that nobody can answer I can’t wait to go home and google it. I even go as far as to carry a notebook around with me at all times which is called “blog this, google that”. I am a man replete with useless trivia, and, as such, have become a hit at parties (thanks google!..but it could also be because I can bend my big toes all the way back… a man needs party tricks too).

With google, everything you could possibly need is at your fingertips. Need to know the Leader of Uzbekistan? Google it. Need to know how to spell Uzbekistan? Google it. Need a picture of said leader in Uzbekistan? Google it. They even have a wicked tab - google images - when you are only looking for photos or pictures... I use it all the time for this blog.
I googled both questions that arose at breakfast upon returning home.
As it turns out, Aunt Tanya, of course, was right. Not only is Ms. Turner the same age as my aunt, but they have the exact same birthday! Today! (For fear of my life, I will not say what that age is… but suffice it to say, both ladies look SPECTACULAR for their age). So happy birthday Aunt Tanya and Ms. Turner. I hope your big wheels keep on turnin’ for a long, long time.
Now, according to Dr. Galapagos, thanks to google, I now know that whales DO in fact have bones. I mean, I thought they did, but now I am 100% sure. Hmph. Interesting.
People wonder what they did before cell phones; I wonder what I did before google. I mean, how else would I have instantly found out that Ketchup originated in China, that flammable and inflammable mean EXACTLY the same thing (serious! Google it people!), that the F bomb comes from the police dept and ‘File Under Carnal Knowledge’, that Erinaceous means ‘like a hedgehog’ (sorry Erin…), that Nudiustertian is the day before yesterday, that IKEA was founded in 1943 - The name is made up from the initials of the founder, Ingvar Kamprad and the first letters of the farm Elmtaryd and the village Agunnaryd in rural southern Sweden where he grew up. Ingvar Kamprad was just 17 when he registered the IKEA name. And yes, google even proved to me that Janet and Michael Jackson are, in fact, two entirely different people.

So when you are unsure, don’t just sluff it off and forget… find the answer you are looking for…. GOOGLE IT!

Now for all of you Tina fans out there that want to go all Ike on my ass, I say simmer down. We in no way compared the incomparable Miss Turner to a whale, they just happened to be in the same stream of consciousness at breakfast… hey, what can I say? We hadn’t had our coffee yet.
Anywho, Aunt Tanya said that Miss Turner was about her age… I said NO WAY, while Erin was pondering whether or not Whales had bones or simply cartilage like sharks. I had an answer for both of them… Google it!
I heart google. I have to say that I am addicted to google. I have no idea what I would do without google. I am the type of guy that has to know things, just for the sake of knowing them. If someone poses a mildly interesting question that nobody can answer I can’t wait to go home and google it. I even go as far as to carry a notebook around with me at all times which is called “blog this, google that”. I am a man replete with useless trivia, and, as such, have become a hit at parties (thanks google!..but it could also be because I can bend my big toes all the way back… a man needs party tricks too).

With google, everything you could possibly need is at your fingertips. Need to know the Leader of Uzbekistan? Google it. Need to know how to spell Uzbekistan? Google it. Need a picture of said leader in Uzbekistan? Google it. They even have a wicked tab - google images - when you are only looking for photos or pictures... I use it all the time for this blog.
I googled both questions that arose at breakfast upon returning home.
As it turns out, Aunt Tanya, of course, was right. Not only is Ms. Turner the same age as my aunt, but they have the exact same birthday! Today! (For fear of my life, I will not say what that age is… but suffice it to say, both ladies look SPECTACULAR for their age). So happy birthday Aunt Tanya and Ms. Turner. I hope your big wheels keep on turnin’ for a long, long time.

People wonder what they did before cell phones; I wonder what I did before google. I mean, how else would I have instantly found out that Ketchup originated in China, that flammable and inflammable mean EXACTLY the same thing (serious! Google it people!), that the F bomb comes from the police dept and ‘File Under Carnal Knowledge’, that Erinaceous means ‘like a hedgehog’ (sorry Erin…), that Nudiustertian is the day before yesterday, that IKEA was founded in 1943 - The name is made up from the initials of the founder, Ingvar Kamprad and the first letters of the farm Elmtaryd and the village Agunnaryd in rural southern Sweden where he grew up. Ingvar Kamprad was just 17 when he registered the IKEA name. And yes, google even proved to me that Janet and Michael Jackson are, in fact, two entirely different people.

So when you are unsure, don’t just sluff it off and forget… find the answer you are looking for…. GOOGLE IT!
I love "..which naturally lead to a discussion on Tina Turner and the Whale Anatomy."
So do ALL of your Aunts get the Ikea Birthday special??????
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